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Dreams, Crochet and Catchers!

When we see pictures of these wonderful, delicately strung/woven/stitched Dreamcatchers, there is just one reaction! A WOW!

I first came across dream-catchers while hunting for a simple doily pattern, to kick start my doily making. At this point my works were mainly centered around wool and clothes making. These dainty, dreamy, whimsical pictures that I came across spurred me into buying the rings needed to make one!

However, it took a bit more than that for me to finally gain confidence in doily making and finally attempt a DC as I call it. Here’s the first official DC from SaiASmi. It’s not overtly whimsical, dainty or dreamy.. but it’s well ‘me’ 🙂

The simple yet steady circle pattern for my family… my center, my axis!

The Blue feather for the peace i find in my craft.

The Orange feather for the fire to learn and better myself.

The Pink feather, for the quirky ‘me’ that those close to me know and recognize 🙂

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