When the urge to knit a new stitch takes over, give in to it. Well, atleast that’s what I did! 😄
Sorting through my stash, I came across these gorgeous colors… And this project came to be.

#strandedknits was something I try and avoid, as I love working with a simple patterns. This was my second goal of 2019..
So here goes #februarygoals… Sock in strandedknits! #saiasmidreamzinyarn #SaiASmiCreates
Facebook: SaiASmi – Dreamz in Yarn
Instagram: rashmibinu_saiasmi
The sock did take time just for the sheer changes in color and weaving in the ends but the satisfaction was the ultimate prize 😍.
Here goes some of the work-in-progress pics.

Keep crafting.. Stay happy 😊