Arche de fleurs planter holder - Digital Pattern ONLY
This is a simple, minimum sew Pattern that will help you make an planter holder, that you could use with a regular 11 cm planter. Any adjusting/custom instructions will be highlighted.
● Yarn of choice – DK weight I have used Ganga Rangoli Arte.
● Hook: 2.5 mm hook or 3mm as per ease of use. I have used a smaller hook than yarn suggests to add to the strength of the project.
● A small planter/pot – I have used an IKEA 11cm planter.
● Scissors and a needle to finish up.
Kindly DO NOT distribute this written pattern/instructions/pdf in any format (text/pictures).
I would love to see your projects, so please do tag ‘Pattern by #saiasmidreamzinyarn’ on any Social Media platform, and I will be able to see them. This is totally optional.
You can sell or gift the items made with this pattern, but please DO give credit to the Pattern and mention the source of Pattern. THANK YOU!